
Sign posts reading
Sign posts reading

sign posts reading

In those groups, they received a high-interest article, obtained from, pertaining to their chosen topic. After they chose their topic, we divided them up into groups according to their preferred area of interest. As students came into class for this lesson, they were directed towards a poll where they would choose what they wanted to read about from the following list: sports, music, technology or the election process.

sign posts reading

The lesson: Choice is key in a student’s willingness to be shaped by what we are teaching them in class. Students would use these signposts to help them “read beyond the four corners of the text.” We combined these strategies for annotating with a strategy called “mind mapping” and watched as students came to conclusions and were making inferences in a whole new way. Beers’ nonfiction signposts are: contrasts and contradictions, extreme and absolute language, numbers and stats, quoted words and word gaps. Beers’ annotation strategies for attacking nonfiction pieces and fiction alike assist students in seeing the deeper meaning of the text in front of them. We implemented Kylene Beers’s nonfiction “signposts” to help our students discover what an author was truly trying to tell us. The preface: In our PreAP 8 th grade English class, my mentor teacher and I were noticing a severe lack of enthusiasm for reading expository writing, specifically breaking down passages to get to the core of them. Guest post by Julia Swanner, Baylor University Intern, and Liz Hagins, Midway ISD Teacher

Sign posts reading